Welcome to the close of the summer term at school. If you have a kid at any sort of school, the chances are they’ve either had, or about to have a school sports day.
There will be parents all over the place cheering on their kids in what ever shape or form, and sometimes – there is a chance for parents to join the sports day fun. Normally this looks like racing each other in some form.
Now I reckon there are other sports that fit the world of parenthood more than a egg and spoon race.
Here are my ideas for parent related sports:
- The dash home. Triggered by the cry of “I need a wee”, in the appropriate pitch that makes you believe that things are coming out. This sport starts when home is the nearest toilet, but is still seemingly far away. To partake in this sport, simply pick up your Little One in your arms, and dash home quick. The winner is the parent that gets their kid home fastest. (Bonus points if you remain calm even though you believe you’ve been wee’d on.)
- Midnight Lego Walk. Its dark. You have bare feet. The floor has Lego. Go!
- The Dash Up. This starts with you downstairs, while the little one is asleep upstairs. The night is peaceful, suddenly peace is interrupted by a blood curdling scream. HOW FAST CAN YOU GET UP THOSE STAIRS? Ready?
- Confident Cyclist. How much confidence can you show your kid, while shes sat on a random bouncy chair behind you as you cycle. When you brought this bike, you never imagined cycling with a passenger, now is your time NOT to freak about how difficult it is! How far can you cycle without the kid freaking out?
- Hide the chocolate. This parenting game is a variation of “Hide and Seek” except your hiding, and eating the chocolate before the child finds you…
The above may have been inspired by times that the Little One has kept me on my toes.
What sports do you play?