Its the kids birthday this Monday, So obviously her birthday is taking up the whole weekend. Starting with tonight. The dreaded sleepover party. Which obviously needs the sort of snack order that would make
Well, that was the Easter holidays, and while some people post photo bombs of their best bits, here’s a roundup of our more questionable moments over the last two weeks. All in all. Very
I’ve not shared this for a while, not massively sure why, but this one I like. From the other week, you may hear bits about a report saying that kids feel pressured to spend
No seriously, If I was to give it a review out of 5 stars, I’d give it half a star. But only because if I gave it zero, I might get accused of being
Well. It finally happened. Basically four years after covid ripped through the world, I’ve finally caught covid. I mean I know sometimes I’m not the quickest to pick up on things, but this is
How good does that look? (Yes I know the coffee looks a little moody) Eat on The Green is found on the Exeter Cathedral Green. Can be a little pricey, but plenty of good
So, the Positive Gaming Podcast is back, this week I end up almost ranting all things AI, chatting Spiderman, and we chat about a new community thing in Exeter. If you prefer to not
Well. I say “That week” I guess its been more than a week now. Which segue ways nicely to… Adulting Fail of The Week So…. Its time. I say its time, basically the kid
Well that was Christmas / is Christmas / could still be Christmas. I mean. Its not Christmas really, is it? When people start saying Happy New Year, surely thats a clue that the Christmas
Not sure about you, but right now I am mostly: And no. I never agreed with Maths when I was at school.