A couple of years back. our Little One went through a stage of binge watching Cbeebies shows. The most charming of them was by far, Sarah and Duck. Ok, I admit it, I still enjoy Sarah and Duck when its on.
There’s a sense of innocent joy mixed with humour that is captured in the episodes, which makes them fun to watch. Even more once we got Sarah and Duck dvds (Affiliate link), as this meant we didn’t have to switch between episodes on our DVR every 5 – 7 minutes.
As we watched the adventures of Sarah and Duck, Mrs Sofa, and I started asking ourselves a few questions about the world that Sarah and Duck live in…
If Sarah is 7 years old, why doesn’t she go to school?
I guess she’s kinda smart, even for the lack of school attendance, but I guess in a world where a cake can talk back to you, school must be quite interesting.
For all the scenes set at home, why don’t we see her parents?
Seriously. WHERE are they? Is she left home alone all day, with nothing but a duck for company?
If Moon can be seen walking around the shop, where does the Sun go?
I kinda wonder why we don’t see Sun wandering around when its night. I guess its ok that we don’t have a massive ball of fire walking around the place… but what impact does moons actions have on the worlds tidal levels? What we don’t see, is that every time that Moon walks around the Big Shop, are there massive floods elsewhere?
How do children and birds understand each other so well?
I tried talking to a duck once.
It was a boring conversation. But people walking around me thought I was quackers.
Isn’t bread meant to be bad for ducks?
Duck seems to be tired on a regular basis, maybe he’s just a bit poorly?
What is the narrator?
I have a few theories about this guy. Is he an invisible man? I did wonder if he’s God, and all the characters can hear God really really well, but thats kinda deeply religious for a cbeebies show. Therefore I questioned if he was Sarah’s conscience, but the thing is, all the characters can hear him. This makes me wonder; Is all of this in Sarahs imagination?
The thing is, If Sarah and Duck is all simply set in Sarahs imagination, then that suggests that real life is a bit of a dark place for Sarah. And thats something that I’d prefer wasn’t true.
Sorry, that got a bit dark there towards the end.
Have you got any questions about the world of Sarah and Duck?
I probably believe that Sarah is Adopted and her parents died
My theory is that Sarah’s parents probably died. She was probably adopted by her uncle or someone else and Scarf lady is her grandmother 👵. 🦆🦆