I don’t know about you, but I find there’s something oddly exciting about having a small one in Foundation Year at School, as there are a lot of “firsts” happening at this time of life. First day at school… First end of week meltdown… First school nativity’s… One thing I’ve noticed about School Nativity Plays, apart from how they seem to be both amazing, and super cute, is that they are very popular with parents / any other grown ups. And all these grown ups seem to want to get prime viewing positions (which is fair enough).
But how can you get the good seats at a school nativity play?
Here’s our tips*:
- Involve Spy / Friend on the inside who’s paid enough attention to know the quick way in.
- Use your Ninja skills to sneak past people.
- Invest in some bribe material for the school receptionist. (Chocolate, or alcohol would usually do the trick)
- Wear some American football style armor.
- Use any PE Equipment / Zip Wire to your advantage.
- Stuck at the back of the queue? Get talking to the person in front of you, once conversation starts to die down, get talking to the person in front of where you are now. And repeat…
- Walk in while wearing a nativity costume. Enough people may sit far enough away from you, so you end up getting a good seat anyway.
- Fly a drone into the school hall, watch nativity via drones camera.
- Involve a well placed confused old dear to stand in (other) peoples way.
- Sleeping bag. Reserve your place when the school closes the day before.
Any other ideas?
*Obviously if you do any of this, people may look at you oddly / arrange for you to be arrested. Good Luck…