Well, unless you’ve been living away from a TV set / Twitter for the last month, you’d have seen that Doctor Who isn’t just back, but the Doctor is now Jodie Whittaker.
Now I have to admit. I was worried. It was clear there were going to be a million changes to my favorite scifi show, but I also felt the last couple of episodes (particularly The Doctor Falls), were so good – they could have finished it at that point. Remember how the original series of The X Files kept going for at least a year or two to long? I was worried there was a repeat of that about to happen.
Spoilers are below…
But. Its new Doctor Who, and that will get my attention. Also considering its early start time, we decided to risk introducing our 6 year old to “Not The Christmas Special Doctor Who”. And well. She got won over, I did too.
Personally I enjoyed the focus on character. While I feel Steven Moffat was unfairly criticized for how he wrote female characters, he rarely made me feel for the supporting characters, for example – the security guard? Also the look! Its been a while since I’ve been to Sheffield but it looks glorious.
What won us over as a family? At the risk of sounding like a gushing fan blog. It was Jodie Whittaker. She felt and acted like the Doctor since fell into the TV screen. We didn’t spend too long in any post regenerative sleep / grumpiness, but it felt that the Doctor got on with saving the day. Admittedly she then took a nap, but it didn’t feel as long as “The Christmas Invasion” or “Deep Breath”. (Did anyone else felt there was a nod back to “The Christmas Invasion” at this point?).
And the moment of the Doctor remembering her name? I wonder if there were any other smiles around the country, that matched the size of a 6 year old watching watching her Doctor for the first time?
Speaking to the small one afterwards, it seemed she also enjoyed the obligatory costume choosing scene at the end. I wonder how many small girls out there, now want to a Doctor?
Heres to next Sunday evening…
i missed the first one. I saw the second. Sadly I thought it was rubbish. The story was stupid which didn’t help. But whats with all those doctors assistants? And I didn’t take to Jodie Whittakers ‘Dr’ at all, not because shes female, it just didn’t work for me. Maybe its because she is acting it in the style of Matt Smith and I didn’t like him in the role either. Oh well, maybe I’ll change my mind by episode 4!!! (obviously I’ll keep watching 😉 ) #thesatsesh
Oooh I may have to try and watch this on catch-up as I only caught a little of episode 1 and I did think it looked good but didn’t get to see it all. Would love to get the family all on board with it. #thesatsesh xx