Welcome to the school holidays! If you don’t have kids, this probably means an easier journey to work, if you do this probably means you, or someone else needs to come up with ways to stop the little darlings from watching nothing but Cbeebies all day long.
But what can be done to entertain kids throughout the school holidays? Well here are a few ideas to help*.
Here is our list of ways to keeping kids entertained during the school holidays…
- Compile a list of all the local holiday clubs. GET TO ALL OF THEM.
- Picnics! AKA Uncomfortable meals surrounded by bugs!
- Run a marble run all over your house. When it goes wrong – remember – never again watch that episode of Topsy and Tim where Joyce managed to set it up ok.
- Run a treasure hunt around your local supermarket. AKA Do the shopping.
- Take all your toilet rolls and create a 1:1 scale model of the Eiffel Tower.
- Go on a quest. To the local family friendly pub.
- Bribe the kids into helping declutter the house (Good luck)..
- Explore the local park. No matter what the weather!
- Breakout that craft box. See how much glitter stays on the paper (that you’ve laid out to catch it), versus the amount that gets spread all over the bleddin floor.
- When all else fails. Cbeebies. Thank you CBeebies, for being you. (Not you Bing)
Any you would add?
*Obviously “help” is a subjective concept.
It can be challenging to keep kids busy over break! We have been running errands, cleaning the house, getting new clothes, and hanging out with friends. #thatfridaylinky
we’ve been pretty lucky with the weather the past few weeks, so bundling up and hitting the park or taking hikes has still been on the table. One thing I found when mine was younger was that going to a simple local pet shop had about the same level of excitement as a zoo without the ticket #thatfridaylinky