It occured to me the other day, normally when you see Mary and Joseph in a stable, they seem to be smiling. Whilst I know that a birth of a baby is meant to be a happy occasion, I’m fairly sure Joseph was already having his own series of parenting woes. After all, all parents have them, but I wondered what sort of issues Joseph had as a parent…
- Busy wondering if the animals had been fed recently.
- Why are all these guys rocking up?That smell? Baby or livestock?
- “Yes I know I didn’t book ahead – sorry dear”
- When people comment about how the little one looks like his mother.
- Those moments he compared himself to the other father.
- Dealing with a little drummer boy.
- Planning the return journey to take into account a small child.
- Getting shouted at by Mary for spending “just 5 minutes” in the inn.
- The pressure of having to entertain three kings at once.
- Being slightly worried that the animals may get confused over the whole baby in a manger thing.
I guess I’m thankful we didn’t have to put up with a little drummer boy randomly showing when Little Sofa was born.