No, I’m not going to post any of those pictures of the Momo Challenge. Yeah you know the ones, the pictures of that creepy lady with big eyes. She’s probably found on your Facebook.
Welcome to winter. The time of the year when nights draw in, weather gets worse, and… well… colour wise it all gets a bit dull outside. Bursting through the winter colours, comes Carnival Games
Well, what else is there to do but watch Doctor Who: The Unearthly Child.
So, I guess this is what my childhood looks like these days… My childhood sure looks pretty through a 2018 lens.
After the week following her first proper watch of Doctor Who, led to her quoting the Doctor – and not just quoting… playing being the Doctor. We settled down to watch the second episode
Well, unless you’ve been living away from a TV set / Twitter for the last month, you’d have seen that Doctor Who isn’t just back, but the Doctor is now Jodie Whittaker. Now I
Something fun for Doctor Who Day 🙂 Is Doctor Who a Religion? Personally I think the guy is over thinking things. But, if Doctor Who is a religion, could Harry Potter or Star Trek
If you’re a Doctor Who fan you should already know this. If you’re a scifi fan, you more than likely already know this. (No actually you should already know this.) Either way. There is
I know that every other blog who even mutters about scifi has already posted the new Doctor Who trailer, but Birthdays have happened which meant less time on a computer. (On the subject of
I feel this might be the start of an obsession. (one which I’m ok with) All donations are gratefully accepted!!!