In case you hadn’t heard, its “Men’s Health Week” next week. It’s one of those weeks where an organisation tries to rise awareness of a particular cause. In the words of national-awareness-days.com:
Men’s Health Week takes place from 13-19 June 2016.
We all know men are the first to complain when it comes to ‘man flu,’ but when it comes to more serious health problems, men are often too shy or embarrassed to come forward and speak to a GP.
The week is organised by the Men’s Health Forum (MHF). This is an independent charity which aims to help men and boys by tackling inequalities and issues affecting their health.
Formed in 1994 the MHF aims to help by focusing on groups of men who have the worst health and seeing how they can make a difference, whether it be through physical activity, or being there to turn to for mental problems.
Throughout Men’s Health Week the charity will be holding a variety of events. This year the theme is ‘Together we can beat stress’. The MHF want to promote healthy living and well being in men. They will be asking men to focus on their lifestyles and the campaign is all about healthy living and lifestyles.
The purpose of the awareness week is to promote health and there will be lots of fundraising events taking place for the charity.
Why I’m saying this?
I’ve been challenged by TENA Men to use this coming week as a chance to try and improve my health. To do this, TENA Men has created the ultimate Men’s Health kit which includes a challenge for each day of the week ahead.
So over the next week, I’ll be taking up a challenge each day – and blogging about as well. (Which is a challenge itself).
Lets see how it goes, who knows, I might get healthier or something…
The Mens Health kit has been supplied for free by TENA Men, for the purposes of blogging about Men’s Health Week.