“After double checking, it seemed that the Easter Egg hunt hadn’t gone on for 10 days. They were, indeed, only 2 minutes into it.” Taken during a particularly muddy, but very fun Easter Hunt
It was at this point that Lego Dad started to think that he should have insisted on more then one layer on her before leaving the house. Although she was cold, Lego Dad still
After spending a larger then normal amount of time tidying up, Lego Dad started to wonder if the mess just happened to be following someone around…
“I had made mistakes before, letting her bury me in the sand was a particularly big one”
While the good lady wife enjoyed the first instalment of the Lego Dad Diaries, she did question why our 4 year old was being portrayed by the Lego Baby.
Inspired after a really lovely morning with the little one. Well I thought it was lovely…