Welcome to July. Aka week 131 of Lockdown – or whatever this is.
For us, this has been one of those weird weeks, with a (expected but massively sad) death in the family, and that gradual realisation that there’s still two flipping months till schools go back.
Thank goodness for a week off next week. (Which for the record, wasn’t just booked in to enable multiple pub trips to take place.)
This weeks Geocache Score Cards.
Geocaches searched for: 1.
Geocaches found: Still 0.
Comments: Theres one nearby. Never found it. But I can almost smell it. I went to find it when passing. Small one kept cycling. i had the choice to look for the geocache, or to catch up with her. I feel I did the right thing?
Adulting fail.
Last week, I talked about the gazebo! Its nice. Its kinda fancy.
Turns out, if you don’t have weights on a gazebo, they try and fly into your neighbours garden.
Sorry neighbour…
The Philosopher of The Week

Work From Home Lesson
Have the option to take holiday?
Take some flipping holiday.
Take more than one day though…
Still annoyed at The Government?
I’m keeping it simple.
Quote of the week.
“I dreamt going there” – Small one. Talking about Sainsburys. Co-vid19 could be messing with her imagination a little bit.
Next time I write this. I’ll be on holiday! Woo!