Well, that was the Easter holidays, and while some people post photo bombs of their best bits, here’s a roundup of our more questionable moments over the last two weeks. All in all. Very
No seriously, If I was to give it a review out of 5 stars, I’d give it half a star. But only because if I gave it zero, I might get accused of being
Well. It finally happened. Basically four years after covid ripped through the world, I’ve finally caught covid. I mean I know sometimes I’m not the quickest to pick up on things, but this is
Well. I say “That week” I guess its been more than a week now. Which segue ways nicely to… Adulting Fail of The Week So…. Its time. I say its time, basically the kid
Well that was Christmas / is Christmas / could still be Christmas. I mean. Its not Christmas really, is it? When people start saying Happy New Year, surely thats a clue that the Christmas
Not sure about you, but right now I am mostly: And no. I never agreed with Maths when I was at school.
Its occured to me, The last thing I wrote on this blog was about going back to the office (after a week away), and how rude that felt. That was three weeks ago. I
Well that was Half Term. Its been nice. I’ve drank wine. Adulting Fail of The Week I say nice, Theres been parts that has been quite wild. For example, I ended up waking up
We have reached that time of year when we collectively time travel as a country and obtain an extra hour. Great. We also have a collective sense of deja vue, when the news starts
Ah. Half Term Break. Chance for peace, relaxation, and reconnecting with the family… Or something. Well basically thats I called playing Super Mario Wonder. (Which lets face it. It coming out just before half