I dont know about you, but bedtimes are this random battle of either loviness, or hassle. After a recent bedtime I thought I would write down the 5 steps of bedtime that we normally go through.
- Being strongly advised by darling child that she DOES NOT NEED THE TOILET!
- Needing to play with army of toys that live on bed.
- Searching for missing toy.
- Can I have a drink?
- Looking for above drink.
- Being “helped” to find the above mentioned drink.
- Encouraging to stop drinking above drink.
- Being asked to fetch a different blanket from a different room.
- Rearranging bed to accommodate new blanket.
- Negotiations over where trapped parent should be.
- Be advised not to go downstairs yet by darling child.
- Negotiation over how long trapped parent stays upstairs.
- Going to the toilet.
- Child reminded to go to bed.
- Parent sneaks down stairs. Celebrates the meaning of freedom.
- Parent sinks into depression and realises the “adulting” they have to get on with.
- Parent drinks wine. Resolves above emotional crises.
- Child comes downstairs.
- Repeat the above.
Because there was always going to be more than 5 steps of bedtime that we go through in the evening.