I admit it, I may have neglected the blog a little bit recently, I guess the busyness of life squeezed out my ability of coming up with blog ideas. Heres a random list of things I may or may not have learned during this busy period. (Hopefully the following is a more interesting read then I made it sound)
- Fridge freezer shopping is really boring. Unless you live tweet the experience. (Which seemed to really engage people on twitter)
- Live Tweeting fridge freezer shopping may lead to an idea for a book of really bad ideas. (Like this blog post?)
- Live fridge freezer shopping is an oddly engaging thing on Twitter.
- The LO wearing a Sarah hat (from Sarah and Duck) is crazy cute.
- Turns out Constantine on Amazon Prime is a decent watch, and anyone who was a fan of Buffy / Angel NEEDS to watch it.
- Having a contact lens flap off your eye ball is a really weird sensation.
- It is possible to accidentally look spiritual in church.
- Giving something away can be such a hassle, it can make you wish you paid for it be taken away.
- An innocent request from a toddler doesn’t feel so innocent, when the toddler has a foot on your neck.
- This might not be the best idea for a blog post ever.
If live tweeting fridge freezer shopping sounds interesting, dont follow me on Twitter. I’m not likely to do it again for a while.