That Week Just Gone

Well. That was a holiday week just gone. A week of chips, ice cream, and realising that anything the government says makes less sense then our seven year when shes beyond tired and just making up random crap just to stay awake.

Bu you know, getting confused at Boris aside, this has been a good week. Not in a geocaching sense…

This weeks Geocache Score Cards.

Geocaches searched for: 0.
Geocaches found: 0.

Comments: There we are, exploring new areas of Killerton, and a foolish little voice inside my head whispered, “wasn’t there a load of geocaches around here?” Long story short. If you look for a geocache, thats in the middle of trail of geocaches, in a middle of a field. Its not going to go well, and the small one is going to get caught on some nettles.

Also. I hate that little voice.

Adulting fail.

While wearing sandals, don’t leave scissors laying there on the floor. Don’t step on the scissors with one foot, while you move your other foot towards the scissors…

The Philosopher of The Week

The calm automated voice on the Hastings phone line, assuring me of my personal importance.

Before they disconnected me moments afterwards.

Work From Home Lesson

I’ve been on holiday so… not much really. But I feel next weeks may involve something about buying Animal Crossing.

Still annoyed at The Government?

Well. Let’s try and work out the latest…. We must shake the magic money tree for the NHS, and prepare for a second wave by sending people on public transport back to the office. And did I hear something about soon not needing masks on public transport? But you do in shops? This being the day after the chief scientific advisor saying that he saw no reason to change the work from home advice? Did I also see something about the Brexit Death Cult who run Downing Street pull out of a vaccine plan… basically because it was European?

So yeah. A little bit. 

Quote of the week.

Little One: “can I play some Animal Crossing?”

Next week, I’m back to work…

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