That Week Just Gone

This is one of those weeks where I’m questioning if I’m old. As well as recovering from “a fall”, we’ve found ourselves excited over new floor in our bathroom (its been a while), and have visited a garden centre.

Seriously. Everytime we take the small one to a garden centre, I do worry if I’m turning into my own parents.

Adulting fail

Riding a bike.

With Tendonitis.

That felt smart afterwards.

Quote of the week

“I’ve got a name for you! Dooku!”

The Small One. Calling me the name of one of the bad guys from Star Wars.
Dooku is cool, and he kicks Anakin’s ass.
I’m ok with it.

Something different…

A Sonic game that was lost to the mists of time.

Still annoyed at The Government

Well, I guess it takes an election and a pretend war with France to stop talking about how Boris doesn’t know who paid for his redecoration.

(Side note – I heard someone on a podcast saying that John Lewis was boring or something. How much money must you have if you think John Lewis stuff is beneath you?)


I was also going to write something about the Indian variant appearing more in England, and how the government is wanting to fight the unions and stop mask wearing in schools. (Does this remind anyone else of arguments at the end of December, and how that turned out?)


Here’s Independent SAGE who will probably be able to communicate the issue far better than I.

I need to go. An 8 year old with a lightsaber is trying to attack me…

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