Where To Put The Elf On The Shelf?

We’ve been a little late in life with the Elf on the shelf. I think it was the collective complaints about doing the elf on the shelf, kinda put us off ever getting an elf, and moving it around every night.

This year.

We snapped.

‘It was reports of the small ones best friend asking her where she found her elf that did it. Yes. We. I mean I got peer pressured into doing it by the small ones friends. (My justification is that it helps the small one feel included. Well thats what I’m telling myself anyway.

I figured, as Minecraft has taken over the day, I’d grab a moment, and write up a few ideas of where the Elf on the shelf could go.

  1. Christmas Tree
  2. Sat with Remote.
  3. On laptop pretending to work.
  4. With game controller.
  5. In dolls house.
  6. Drinking Cider
  7. Cereal box.
  8. Sorting breakfast.
  9. Opening an advent box
  10. In the Guinea Pig Hutch. (Maybe not)
  11. Writing a note.
  12. In Shoes.
  13. Going in the cutlery drawer
  14. Climbing up the stairs
  15. Outside the bedroom
  16. Found holding a knife.
  17. Pushed into a jar.
  18. The Fridge
  19. Dressed up as… something.
  20. Eating Chocolate.
  21. Looking inside the compost bin.
  22. Making Daddy some coffee
  23. Covered in tinsel.
  24. Next to a sign saying Merry Christmas.
  25. In a box marked. “Hibernation”

Any other ideas? I’d love to hear them!!!

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