Congratulations! You’ve almost made it to the end of your / your partners pregnancy. You have almost made it to the time of big questions, questions such as, is your little one hungry? tired?
This month started well, but sadly crazy life things have led to the blog been neglected a little lately. Its not all been bad, we’ve managed to clear out a massively dodgy corner of
Our neighbourhood cat prowling around the garden.
Things have gone quiet again around here, mostly due (I reckon to some extent to general levels of busyness at work) Every know and then at work I end up at the Accident and
Every now and then the stars align, and the two of us both have a weekend off at the same time. In a more remarkable twist, a couple of friends of ours from up
This was our view of Exeter Cathedral, while eating lunch last Monday.
One day, your life involves being able to leave the house in under 30 minutes. You have kids, and then your life involves poo, never leaving the house on time, and saying some random
We spotted something in the undergrowth…
We all have times when sitting through a Church service isn’t straightforward. It could be because of that curry you had last night, the contact lens not behaving, or just wanting to get home in time to