September. A great time for kids birthdays, sickness, High school visits, and for the weather to turn crap. Nice Adulting Fail of The Week VR Headsets are great. Having plenty of space around is
You know how people use ideas from movies to help them make their point? What if video games could be used in that way? If you prefer to not see my face. Find us
Its her birthday today. Four Girls at ibounce, followed by a trip to Macdonalds. Then various family people in the afternoon. Will we survive the party? Will I die from the Macdonalds? Wish us
What if, you can play video games, and call it learning? Seriously. If you prefer to not see my face. Find us on Spotify or the podcast platform of your choice.
Lets face it, the main good news from the last week is the sun is trying to kill us a little less, meaning that walking outside is mildly less of a danger sport than
The Gaming Podcast through work is back, and well. With Starfield released we can’t not talk about it. We talk. What is Starfield, why people are excited, how its already done good, and what
Oh hi, Its been a while. This week I’ve mostly had the following thought about Hell in my head. (Lets just presume its a literal place for one second, for the benefit of this.)
I would say to anyone who wants to listen that gaming is good for you. On the work podcast this week we try and look at this, by looking at gaming and stress. More
Struggling with kids playing video games over the summer holidays? Worried that they should be outside playing in the rain, instead of playing on the switch / xbox playstation, for, the, 15th, hour, straight…
Well done parents, you’ve survived another year of school, and you’ve made it to the summer holiday. So OBVIOUSLY the weather looks more like this now. And whats the betting its gonna look like