Well, that was the Easter holidays, and while some people post photo bombs of their best bits, here’s a roundup of our more questionable moments over the last two weeks. All in all. Very
Well that was Half Term. Its been nice. I’ve drank wine. Adulting Fail of The Week I say nice, Theres been parts that has been quite wild. For example, I ended up waking up
We have reached that time of year when we collectively time travel as a country and obtain an extra hour. Great. We also have a collective sense of deja vue, when the news starts
September. A great time for kids birthdays, sickness, High school visits, and for the weather to turn crap. Nice Adulting Fail of The Week VR Headsets are great. Having plenty of space around is
Struggling with kids playing video games over the summer holidays? Worried that they should be outside playing in the rain, instead of playing on the switch / xbox playstation, for, the, 15th, hour, straight…
And just like that its 2023. Back when I first started writing this regular little thing, we had recently had a Christmas where loads of people were ill, we were fairly sure the government
You can tell who the old people are in Exeter this week. Those who remember the Exeter Carnival before last night, and those who remember an Exeter Carnival that you didn’t get massively cold
Hey. Guess what. I’ve got the week off work! Woo! Turns out the kids are also off this week, and the weather has something to say about my plans to spend the week in
Well. Ermmm…. Well… Long Live The King I guess? I mean how else do I start, what seems to be my regular flippant round-up of life? So this week, I’m going to attempt not
Well. That was summer. And soon. VERY soon. School will be back. Which is good news because of routine, and some chance of small child going to sleep that evening. Also Work From Home