We have reached that time of year when we collectively time travel as a country and obtain an extra hour. Great. We also have a collective sense of deja vue, when the news starts
Ah. Half Term Break. Chance for peace, relaxation, and reconnecting with the family… Or something. Well basically thats I called playing Super Mario Wonder. (Which lets face it. It coming out just before half
Well the week started weirdly. It was like I was losing my voice. Never done that before. But I wasn’t losing my voice like a normal human being. I was able to speak, but
Well. That was the Tory Conference. Enjoyed? Here are some of my moments that made me want to cry for the state of the country favourite moments. Theres the Not Meat Tax… Not that
September. A great time for kids birthdays, sickness, High school visits, and for the weather to turn crap. Nice Adulting Fail of The Week VR Headsets are great. Having plenty of space around is
Its her birthday today. Four Girls at ibounce, followed by a trip to Macdonalds. Then various family people in the afternoon. Will we survive the party? Will I die from the Macdonalds? Wish us
Lets face it, the main good news from the last week is the sun is trying to kill us a little less, meaning that walking outside is mildly less of a danger sport than
Oh hi, Its been a while. This week I’ve mostly had the following thought about Hell in my head. (Lets just presume its a literal place for one second, for the benefit of this.)
Hello, You know that thing when you have ideas, but never actually do anything about that. Maybe you should post something. Anything. Anything to get started again. Because something rubbish is at least a
Oh hello blog. Hello February. Hello writing this on a Monday? Whats going on? Adulting Fail of The Week Ok. So I love the co-bike thing. But… its not always perfect, and well I