Hey check it out. This is two in two weeks. It’s like something approaching some sort of life rhythm is being rediscovered, or something? (He says trying to ignore the stuff he hasn’t yet
Alright. Thats another 2 weekends / 3 weeks. As well as a small matter of the earth burning, there’s also been sports days, parking tickets, and pretend covid… Adulting Fail of The Week Yeah.
So. Its been a fortnight. A fortnight which has involved abortion laws being rolled back in America, cost of living ticking upwards, a Tory MP allegedly groping some guys – and not – being
So, over the last week I picked up The Lego Star Wars on the switch. Which obviously means the small one plays it more than me. She’s going to lose her mind when she
So I took a break last week from this. The world is still a bonfire of chaos. Oh and there’s a rumour of another covid wave… great. (But remember its over…) Adulting Fail of
Dearest America, Sort yourselves out. Little kids have died. If you’re happy to stop people having abortions by making abortions harder to obtain, why in the name of sanity can’t you make guns harder
Another week, Another week where we’re told to rescue the world by basing ourselves in offices in order to buy sandwiches and stuff. Feels all a bit September 2020. Adulting Fail of The Week
Achoo… Its Hayfever season, this is fun. Lets start the timer until I end up a snotty mess of a man in front of the wrong person in work. Still annoyed at The Government
After over a year of doing these little updates, I finally snapped at some point the other week, I got a bit sick, there was some tidying up to be done, (two events NOT
Well. That was a three day week. I like those things Adulting Fail of The Week It turns out, Piriton, and beer, makes you sleepy. Who knew? Random Thing of The Week Well… there’s