Not sure about you, but right now I am mostly: And no. I never agreed with Maths when I was at school.
So, the latest Positive Gaming Podcast, features a chat about Christmas Games. Well Games about Christmas to play at Christmas… I’m not convinced of the camera quality on this one. I blame the concept
So, the latest Positive Gaming Podcast, includes chat about Black Friday. If I keep up with the advice I find, thats a different story… If you prefer to not see my face. Find us
Its occured to me, The last thing I wrote on this blog was about going back to the office (after a week away), and how rude that felt. That was three weeks ago. I
Well that was Half Term. Its been nice. I’ve drank wine. Adulting Fail of The Week I say nice, Theres been parts that has been quite wild. For example, I ended up waking up
We have reached that time of year when we collectively time travel as a country and obtain an extra hour. Great. We also have a collective sense of deja vue, when the news starts
I have finally understood Minecraft. Seriously I’ve tried to play Minecraft a few times, and never quite got it. I managed to get the daughter to sit down with me and train her dad
Ah. Half Term Break. Chance for peace, relaxation, and reconnecting with the family… Or something. Well basically thats I called playing Super Mario Wonder. (Which lets face it. It coming out just before half
Well the week started weirdly. It was like I was losing my voice. Never done that before. But I wasn’t losing my voice like a normal human being. I was able to speak, but
Well. That was the Tory Conference. Enjoyed? Here are some of my moments that made me want to cry for the state of the country favourite moments. Theres the Not Meat Tax… Not that